At some point in our lives, we will most probably experience emotional shock. The reason we encounter this reaction is usually due to a sudden loss or traumatic event outside of our control. Although the type of loss may differ our physiological and emotional response will be the same. So how can we prepare for the unexpected? How well we respond and adapt to the change will depend on a number of factors but remaining grounded and allowing emotions to rise naturally and be freely expressed is at the heart of transition through this stage quickly and healthily.
How to identify shock
There are many ways that shock can manifest, here are the most common broken down into four categories:
Cognitive symptoms
nightmares, feeling confused, inability to concentrate, or flashbacks to the event.
behavioural symptoms.
Avoiding anything that is reminiscent of the traumatic event, losing joy in activities, or refusing social contact are all common.
Psychological symptoms
overpowering sense of fear, emotional numbness, shame, guilt, anger, irritability, anxiety, or disbelief/denial.
physical symptoms
Being easily startled, heart palpitations, insomnia, being hyper-alert, erratic changes in eating or sleeping patterns, and immense fatigue.
Help Yourself
1) Honour your emotions by allowing them to rise naturally. Feel them and accept them by giving thanks. After all, they are helping you to process the pain and it's important to remember this even when they are painful and feel overwhelming. When they get intense it may be helpful to consciously breath through them. Remember the intensity will come in waves and will pass soon. Don't try to repress emotions as this will delay recovery and they can become trapped in your body and in time this will lead to health disorders.
2) Take time out. It's okay to need time off work or away from people for short periods of time if that is your natural inclination. Created a soothing environment for yourself and rest. Call friends if you feel the need. Burning Lavender oil, wearing comfortable clothing, soft blankets, candles and drinking soothing teas like chamomile can help soothe and relieve feelings of anxiety, panic and fear.
3) Take some time to meditate with the conscious intent of connecting to your intuition and natural guidance system. No special tools requires just sit quietly and comfortably and quieten your mind. If you find the silence difficult play some soothing sounds in the background.
4) In the moments you feel able, connect with family and close friends. You don't have to pretend you or fine; equally you don't have to discuss the trauma. Just let yourself be guided by your own intuition and it will lead you to the best route for you.
5) There are many ways you can ground your energy. I like to use this Qi gong exercise:
stand comfortably arms by your side and become aware of your breathing. Breathe in through the nose. Let the breath be smooth and calm. Feel the coolness of the air in your nostrils. Repeat until you find a nice peaceful rhythm. Then, as you breathe in, raise both arms to your sides and above your head , hands coming close together but not interlocked. Then as you breathe out imagine pulling your energy down through your body as you lower your arms down the central point of your body-hands pass face, chest etc. Repeat this as often as you like until you feel calm and grounded.
6) Eat well. Try to choose nourishing healthy meals. Ask for help preparing food if you don't feel able to cook for yourself as you may even just forget. If you lose your appetite altogether protein shakes can be a useful short-term solution.
Above all, remember that this is a temporary situation. It will pass. You have all the tools you need for recovery right inside of you. All you really have to do is trust yourself to know what actions are best for you to take right now.
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