What is Emotional Trauma
Emotional trauma is what we experience physically, mentally and emotionally when we experience are part of or witness an unexpected traumatic event or lose something or someone we valued and played a major or in our life and identity . The loss can come in many forms, for example: bereavement, divorce, separation, job or even losing a pet. Regardless of the cause, our body and mind react in the same way; we are catapulted into fight or flight mode whilst we grieve for and process our loss. Ultimately we must re-evaluate and establish a new identity to be able to successfully move on. This can be emotionally draining as we adjust to our new reality and If we are not careful we can become trapped in a cycle of negativity that we must break free from in order to heal.
I know as well as anyone how difficult Emotional trauma can be. At 26 I had been through two sudden unexpected deaths and found myself thrust into a new reality that I didn't feel ready to be part of. I wasn't ready to let go and I didn't think I could.
If there is one thing I could go back and gift my younger self it would be the knowledge and wisdom that I have now to be able to ease my journey.
It is has become my mission to bring hope, light, peace; to facilitate healing from trauma by harnessing the transformational power of grief.
What To Expect
There are many factors that will influence the way you feel and how you progress through your experience of emotional trauma. This is why, when you work with me, you are fully in control of your healing journey. We will discuss where you are now and what that feels and looks like to you. I will help ground you and give you the tools you need to feel safe and reassured. You will learn how to honour your emotion and release them safely and effectively. You will be free from the negative cycle and you will feel empowered by the new level of understanding and control that you have. You will no longer fight against your emotions but use them to stand in your power and transform your experience. You will leave with a stronger connection to your authentic self and true identify.


There are many non-linear stages to the grieving process and your needs feel different during these times.
It may be that you're in the very initial stages and are finding yourself dislocated and detached. You may, be feeling intense emotional pain and despair which can manifest physically as aches and pains. Eating can be difficult and sleep disordered. You may feel anxious and unsafe.
At this stage, we would work to ground, nourish and warm you by working on restoring your energy, nurturing a feeling of security and releasing trapped emotion. We would work to stabilise sleep and anxiety.
If you're further into your journey, you may be feeling depressed and a little lost. After all, when we lose someone close to us we lose the role we played in their lives. You may feel like part of you is lost forever and ask, who am I now? What is my purpose, do I even have one?
It can seem a shocking thought but life will go on, regardless of our thoughts about it, and this can lead to feelings of guilt.
At this stage, we will work on re-connecting with your inner-self, self-love, healing, re-connecting with your innate power. Releasing fear, anxiety, anger and guilt.
No matter what stage you are in, you can transform your emotional perception and understanding. Always remember this is natural process and even the scariest of physical reactions are normal. Your can and will get brighter; in these moments lie hidden gifts, that over time, you'll fully realise and begin to treasure.
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Elizabeth Ellen